The school, no doubt has the responsibility of turning out wellgroomed, disciplined and physically and mentally developed youngmen and women, Nevertheless, in time sequence, the home comes first and during one of the most critical periods in the child’s life, it constitutes virtually the whole of his environment. The influence of home, therefore, is very strong. The child’s attitude to work and the inner drive to achieve success in what he undertakes may be a direct consequence of things seen, said or done at home. His assessment of himself as good or bad’, ‘clever’ or ‘stupid reflects in large part, the approval, tacit or encouragement, by his parents. Parental indifference or negligence shatters the child’s self-confidence. If he is over indulged, he could acquire an undue sense of self importance. His experience of affection and discipline and his relations with others at home also affects his ability to adjust to other people, whether they be children of his own age, older children or adults.
We therefore, with all regards, suggest to parents to be constantly in touch with the school regarding the performance of their wards for their good and help the school to play its role effectively.
Let the child do his homework independently. This will generate feelings of self- confidence, self-study and independent thinking in him. His work should be supervised and given general direction only. If during the course of this exercise, you notice any deficiency in your child’s performance, take remedial steps and do not hesitate in getting in touch with the school on PT.M.
Since you have chosen to send your child to an English Medium school, we expect you to converse in English with him/her at home as well.
We seek your co-operation in matters of school uniform, discipline, work, punctuality, attendance and other matters concerning your ward at school.